Sleeping Beauty: Who Can Awaken Her?
We are a nation asleep. Millions of Americans don't get enough restful sleep. If life were like a fairy tale, sleep disorders including sleep apnea would not still be a major public health problem.
Dr. Tom Petty was known for his generosity and for his pioneering leadership and innovative philosophy of pulmonary medicine, including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
We need electronic health records, but we need to go beyond replacing traditional paper records.
What are the prospects that electronic health records will improve care in chronic conditions such as diabetes or sleep apnea?
The California Center for Connected Health (CCCH) seeks to use telemedicine to provide "affordable, quality health remote, rural, and underserved urban areas."
In healthcare, according to Tom Ferguson, a pioneer of patient Internet use, there are two complementary networks of connections: the medical, professional network and the patient network. A third network is needed--a network of health consumers working with healthcare providers.
Chronic conditions tend to travel together; the same person can have two or more conditions. How to manage them together?
You want to achieve wellness, a cure, or to manage a health condition.
Connected health--the use of technology to connect people to information, advice, and support-- can help consumers achieve wellness, and patients achieve better health.
What are the prospects today for enabling people living with a chronic health problem (like sleep apnea, COPD, or diabetes) to be empowered to manage their own health?
We are a nation asleep. Millions of Americans don't get enough restful sleep. If life were like a fairy tale, sleep disorders including sleep apnea would not still be a major public health problem.